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Monthly Special: 15% off Seoul Brewery, Dancing Cider and Heretic!

Yosé Rosé

Dancing Cider Co.

Regular price $27.50

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Cider | 750ml | ABV 6.4%

The refreshing taste of berries awakens your tongue and makes you look forward to the next moment. Rosé's unique colour is a natural pink colour from Schisandra chinensis and raspberry, which makes it even more attractive (and makes a great gift too!)

This sparkling medium-sweet, rose-coloured apple cider has the freshness of berries intact, a soft apple flavour with a refreshing flavour that uplifts any moods. This has moderate acidity and sweetness that blend harmoniously in your mouth.

This cider is suitable for light appetisers, and creates an unprecedented flavour in salads with a variety of toppings, canapés, pre-dinner bread dipped in thick cream cheese - indulge your taste buds with the Yosé Rosé before a full-fledged meal!


  • 2022 GLINTCAP Special Cider Category - Silver Award
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