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Mead is one of the oldest known alcoholic beverages, dating back thousands of years. So what is mead? Is it beer or wine? Actually, mead shares characteristics of both. Like wine, mead can be dry, semi-sweet, sparking or still, and the yeast used is often identical to that used in wine making. And like beer, mead can be brewed with grains or even hops, and generally has an ABV in the ale range of 3.5% - 10%. But the defining characteristic of mead is that the fermentable sugar is derived from honey, which is why it is sometimes called "honey-wine." Modern mead makers, like those featured here, have produced many wonderful and creative variations on this ancient brew. Enjoy!

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Please be aware that it is an offense for individuals below 18 to purchase alcoholic beverages in Singapore. Offenders may be fined up to $5,000.


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