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Stone IPA

Stone Brewing Co.

Regular price $10.00

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IPA | 355ml | ABV 6.9%

This is the IPA that launched generations of hop fanatics!

By definition, an India pale ale is hoppier and higher in alcohol than its little brother, pale ale—and we deliver in spades. One of the most well-respected and best-selling IPAs in the country, this golden beauty explodes with tropical, citrusy, piney hop flavors and aromas, all perfectly balanced by a subtle malt character. This crisp, extra hoppy brew is hugely refreshing on a hot day, but will always deliver no matter when you choose to drink it.

Hops: Magnum, Chinook, Centennial, Azacca, Calypso, Ella & Vic Secret™
AppearancePours clear golden with a white head
Aroma: Intense lemon rind, fruity cereal & piney hop flavours
Flavour ProfileCitrusy, tropical & piney
PalateMedium body with no perceivable sweetness and a clean lingering bitterness.

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