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Monthly Special: 15% off Holy Goat & Knee Deep!

So So Strawberry

Rocky Ridge Brewing Co.

Regular price $15.50

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only 2 left in stock

Fruited Sour with Strawberry | 500ml | ABV 8.5%

After Ra Ra Raspberry, Ma Ma Mango, and Cha Cha Cherry, it was only a matter of time before Strawberry got the call up for the series. Meet So So Strawberry. Why not ‘’Stra Stra Strawberry’ you ask? Well, we thought about it, but we threw in SO SO many strawberries in this (a whopping 400 kgs of those red delights), it seemed more fitting. These strawberries were rescued by a local farmer, now living it up as the stars of our Thicc Fruited Sour.

So, when life hands you strawberries by the tonne, we wouldn’t be Rocky Ridge without turning them into a whopping 8.5% ABV bomb.

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