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Monthly Special: 15% off Seoul Brewery, Dancing Cider and Heretic!

Rochefort 8

Rochefort Brewery

Regular price $10.50

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Belgian Strong Dark Ale | 330ml | ABV 9.2%

The Rochefort 8 is a beer to be savoured at your leisure. Not too dense, it goes down easily, quietly sparkling. The alcohol in the finish never lets you forget that this is an authentic degustation beer, one that cannot be hurried along. It is sweet and chocolatey, pleasant but certainly never boring. The same can be said of the alcohol content – it makes itself known, but it never overpowers, leaving plenty of room for all the rich subtlety to be found in a glass of the 8.

The house yeast packs the first punch with its herbal aromas – along with a hint of dairy – complemented by a slightly phenolic character, and a sweetish alcoholic taste that spreads gradually. You can taste the soft caramel in those milk chocolate aromas, before they evolve into a malty bitterness that is particularly noticeable in the finish, before all concludes with an impression of cloves.

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