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Monthly Special: 15% off Revision, Rocky Ridge and Apex!

Regular price $17.50

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New Zealand IPA | 440ml | ABV 6.0%

A collaboration brew with Craft Beer Channel.

Pastille is an all-out NZ hopped hazy IPA brewed in collaboration with Jonny and Brad from the brilliant Craft Beer Channel. We were tasked with producing a slightly crisper, drier and bitter hazy than our usual output and we love the results!

Hopped with the freshest CY24 hops that included Nelson Sauvin T90, cryo and hop kief alongside late harvest Motueka from Eggers hops and Rakau, we used a more neutral yeast strain as a platform for the hops to shine.

We’re tasting green fruit pastilles (hence the name!), zingy passionfruit, preserved lime and subtle cracked black pepper.

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