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Monthly Special: 15% off Seoul Brewery, Dancing Cider and Heretic!

Lindemans Apple


Regular price $8.00

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only 4 left in stock

Apple Lambic | 250ml | ABV 3.5%

Making apple beer goes back to ancestral tradition. The Celts drank it in abundance during their harvest festivals. All we have done is extend the pleasure to the present day by adding the juice of several varieties of apples to our delicious lambic. The tasting experience, which is quite exceptional, combines the sweetness of cider with the sourness characteristic of lambic.

A fruit beer with a nice balance between the sweetness of red apples, the freshness of green apples and the sour-sweet character of lambic. The first taste is sharp and full-bodied, but then the sweet cider notes give way to a balance between a slightly sweet-sour taste.

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