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Special: 15% off Rocky Ridge & Cheeky Monkey!

Imperial Ken Oats

Rocky Ridge Brewing Co.

Regular price $13.50

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Imperial Pastry Stout | 375ml | ABV 9.0%

A collaboration brew with Carwyn Cellars, The Coolroom and Margaret River Roasting.

With the cold finally hitting we decided it was time to bring this banger back out of hibernation. But we couldn’t just re-brew it again, we had to up the stakes RR style! We’ve bumped the ABV up to 9% and dialled the coffee and maple up to 11!

Once again we have sourced the Midnight blend of coffee from our great friends at Margaret River Roasting and with a ridonculous amount of maple syrup this is a beer to absolutely savour (on a night you don’t really need a lot of sleep though, this is seriously like a cold brew).

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