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Monthly Special: 15% off Seoul Brewery, Dancing Cider and Heretic!

Farmageddon Blackberry Lime (2022)

Bellwoods Brewery

Regular price $29.50

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only 4 left in stock

Wild Ale | 500ml | ABV 5.1%

Farmageddon is our wild farmhouse ale that we've been brewing, blending, and aging for almost as many years as we've been open. The blending process allows us to maintain a common thread across batches, the aging adds nuanced layers, while the brett and bacteria work hard to create small idiosyncrasies in each release. It's a refined, effervescent, and delicious beer worthy of special occasions and idle weeknights.

This limited variant conditioned on a combination of blackberry and lime for over a month before conditioning in the bottle.

Allergens: Barley, Wheat, Oats, Rye & Spelt

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