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Monthly Special: 15% off Seoul Brewery, Dancing Cider and Heretic!

Against The Day

Track Brewing Co.

Regular price $18.50

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Red IPA | 440ml | ABV 6.2%

Muted Horn is a bar and bottle shop based in Neukölln, Berlin and since 2016 they have been a leading light in the German capital's ever-evolving beer scene.

We first saw our beer hit their taps in 2018, and subsequently brewed together in both 2019 and 2022. To celebrate their 8th anniversary, we've been excited to collaborate on a new beer that perfectly encapsulates the change from summer to autumn, an American Red IPA with a blend of classic US hops and NZ faves.

A deep scarlet malt base provides red berry sweetness, which is ballasted with a firm yet not overly assertive bitterness. Cascade and Simcoe bring citrus and pine to a beer that anticipates the coming season. Nelson and Riwaka add a juicy, tropical edge that's still firmly rooted in the last.

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