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Monthly Special: 15% off Seoul Brewery, Dancing Cider and Heretic!

Offshoot Dolphin. Escape. Bikes.

The Bruery

Regular price $14.50

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Fruited Hazy IPA | 473ml | ABV 6.3%

A collaboration brew with Stone Brewing Co.

We know what you’re thinking: dolphin what? When we sat down with our friends at Stone Brewing to plan this collab beer, we felt it only fitting to get inspired by their use of what3words—an innovative approach to location tracking that assigns each 3m x 3m square of the world into a three-word address—to name this beer. So now you know: the best way to describe The Bruery and Offshoot’s brewhouse is ///Dolphin.Escape.Bikes!

To pair with its unique and innovative naming convention, we crafted Dolphin. Escape. Bikes with Cashmere and Sultana hops for fruity, citrusy character, then dry-hopped with El Dorado and New Zealand Nelson Sauvin for additional sweet fruit and nearly vinous notes. The addition of sweet kiwi and bright watermelon brings this juicy IPA to life. Enjoy with friends!

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