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Monthly Special: 15% off Seoul Brewery, Dancing Cider and Heretic!

Vermont Sessions

Tempest Brewing Co.

Regular price $15.50

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only 2 left in stock

Hazy Pale Ale | 440ml | ABV 4.4%

An unlikely contender for best US state... Vermont is progressive and liberal, has 77% tree coverage and its own eponymous beer style. Vermont Sessions is our take on a New England style Session IPA - soft, fruity, and highly drinkable. 

The malt bill is high in oats, wheat, and flaked grains to create a soft, pillowy mouthfeel. We ferment with a yeast strain which leaves a nice amount of residual body in the beer and produces characteristic stone fruit esters that combine perfectly with the hops. Liberal hopping for the lower abv allows the punchy tropical fruit and citrus aromas to shine through. Vermont Sessions is an east coast IPA as refreshing as the white snow and blue skies of the green mountain state.

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