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Monthly Special: 15% off Seoul Brewery, Dancing Cider and Heretic!

The Devil, Everywhere

Sudden Death Brewing Co.

Regular price $21.50

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only 1 left in stock

Double Dry-hopped Red Double IPA | 440ml | ABV 8.0%

A collaboration brew with Northern Monk.

Brian and Cal of Northern Monk have always championed us, and we’ve been so fortunate to attend @hopcityleeds twice. For those who don’t know, it’s Europe’s premier hop-forward beer festival – a showcase for the Old World’s
best in IPA.

This beer is dedicated to another year of friendship between our two breweries.

A bone-dry bitter and scarlet Red DIPA hotside hopped with HBC 682, CTZ, Mosaic, Amarillo; dip hopped with Mosaic DynaBoost, Amarillo T-90, Columbus CGX; heavily double dry hopped with Mosaic T-90, Simcoe Cryo+HyperBoost, Amarillo T-90.

Strawberry, sweet citrus, golden toast, pine. Pure hop candy.

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