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Monthly Special: 15% off Seoul Brewery, Dancing Cider and Heretic!

Slice Me Nice

Sudden Death Brewing Co.

Regular price $25.50

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Imperial Stout | 440ml | ABV 14.5%

A collaboration brew with Wittofer Brauerei Neumünster from Germany.

Wittorfer’s Henning is a gem, and he’s been there for us from the very start. After a little brainstorming on what to brew, we chose to go big… very big!

This massive Imperial Stout was double-mashed, boiled for 3 hours, and conditioned on cacao nibs, hazelnuts, vanilla beans, and sea salt. It then received a kiss of Palo Santo wood, imparting a soft spice note.

Shoutout to our pub kitchen team for helping us roast trays upon trays of nuts!

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