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Monthly Special: 15% off Seoul Brewery, Dancing Cider and Heretic!


Totopia Brewery

Regular price $23.50

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Imperial Stout | 350ml | ABV 11.5%

A collaboration brew with Far Yeast Brewing Company.

This is a collaboration beer with Off Trail, one of Japan's leading blenders. We used the Imperial Stout that has been carefully built up until now. The key to the collaboration is that we used the same vanilla and hazelnut. By far the largest amount ever, about 10 different types of wheat were used, and the brewing time was more than 24 hours, resulting in a super thick and complex mouthfeel with a chocolate-like appetite-inducing vanilla and hazelnut aroma. The sweetness is not the only thing that dominates, but the bitterness throughout brings all of these to the top, resulting in a highly refined imperial stout. Off Trail will also be releasing the BA Imperial Stout, which was barrel blended together, so please look forward to that as well. The mouthfeel is like a thick ganache, and the rich, honeyed taste of chestnuts and the rich umami are condensed. Chocolate that is not dominated by sweetness but also bitter.

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