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Monthly Special: 15% off Seoul Brewery, Dancing Cider and Heretic!

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Imperial Stout | 440ml | ABV 10.5%

Alecto (unceasing anger), is one of the erinyes, commonly known as the Furies. Her sisters are Tisiphone and Megaera, they punished people that committed crimes of parricide, fratricide and homicide.

These goddesses of vengeance reside in Erebus and are older than any of the olympian deities. They were born when Cronos castrated his father, Uranus, the Furies emerged from the droplets of blood. Their task was to hear the complaints of all mortals and punish crimes by hounding the culprits relentlessly.

They are often depicted with wings and snakes in their hairs, they are associated with the darkness. As such, we have brewed a flavoured imperial stout to embody Alecto. A dark rich stout brewed with cinnamon and vanilla, it's furiously delightful.

Don't evoke the wrath of the furies!

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