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Monthly Special: 15% off Seoul Brewery, Dancing Cider and Heretic!

Goses are Red

The Bruery

Regular price $14.00

Unit price per 

Gose | 473ml | ABV 5.6%

This is a rosé - and a gose - by any other name. Goses are Red is a stylish funky, crisp and tart gose ale inspired by the soft sweetness of a rosé wine. The refreshing wheat-based ale begins with some of the qualities you’d expect from a gose, including coriander spicing and a light saltiness to complement the tartness imparted by our house cultures. But the story doesn’t end there - it builds in complexity, thanks to time spent in an oak foeder and the addition of grapes, which impart a refreshing character and colour.

Note: sold in individual large format (473ml) cans, photo is for illustration only.

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