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Monthly Special: 15% off Seoul Brewery, Dancing Cider and Heretic!

Framboos Oogst 2018

Brouwerij 3 Fonteinen

Regular price $53.50

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only 1 left in stock

Lambic - Framboise | 375ml | ABV 6.3%

3 Fonteinen Framboos Oogst is obtained by macerating hand-picked organic raspberries and cherries on young traditional lambic and further fermented in the bottle. Natural fruit, without adding juices, syrups or sugars.

This specific vintage has a final fruit intensity of 403 grams of organic raspberries per litre of finished raspberry lambic. The lambic used comes from 2 different foeders of 4 different brews. 60% from Lindemans and 40% from 3 Fonteinen.


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