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Monthly Special: 15% off Seoul Brewery, Dancing Cider and Heretic!

Eat The Fruit Salad: Passionfruit and Kiwi

Behemoth Brewing Company

Regular price $19.50

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Sour Ale | 440ml | ABV 5.5%

Welcome to the ultimate workday escape plan in a can. A beer based on some old school friends that may have not been the most diligent of employees back in the day. 

Dedicated to those who may have taken liberties in their part time jobs growing up, and to their bosses that had to put up with them, where each swig is a rebellion against the daily grind. Of course those people went on to be accountants, lawyers and all that kind of stuff. From humble beginnings come delicious sours, You Come to Work, You Do No Work, You Eat the Fruit Salad! packed with juicy passionfruit and the cheeky tang of kiwifruit, this Sour Ale is tart and incredibly refreshing. Work? Who needs it when you've got a fruit salad in liquid form?

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