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Monthly Special: 15% off Seoul Brewery, Dancing Cider and Heretic!

Cult Of The Pickle

Rocky Ridge Brewing Co.

Regular price $9.00

Unit price per 

Sour | 375ml | ABV 3.4%

Fermented cucumbers are the best cucumbers – try and change our minds. 

Matched with beer on a warm summer’s day, there’s not much better. But why not save some time and merge the two together? Bow to your new Pickle Overlord – it’s not a cult, just a not-very-selective club…

Pouring a pale straw colour, this brew is all about PICKLES! The aroma hits you with full force, like a dill-scented slap to the face. The taste follows suit – exactly as expected – crisp and briny, with a sour and salty finish that’ll remind you of a certain brewer (you know who you are). 

So crack open a cold one, embrace your love of pickles, and welcome to the cult.

Pour: Pale straw coloured
Smell: Polskie Ogorkie!  Pickled cucumbers and dill all up in your face
Taste: As above
Finish: Sour and salty, just like a certain brewer…


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