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Monthly Special: 15% off Knee Deep, Calicraft and Stone!

Who Kil’d Kenny

Rocky Ridge Brewing Co.

Regular price $12.50

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only 0 left in stock

Nitro Irish Red Ale | 500ml | ABV 4.3%

“OMG… they brewed Kenny! Those bastards”.

With St. Patrick’s Day just around the corner, we couldn’t resist crafting this delicious beer as a tribute to our favourite Irish Red. 

Pouring a burnished copper hue crowned by an off-white head, it’s a sight that would even make Cartman swap his beloved Cheesy Poofs for. As you take your first sip, you’re enveloped in the comforting embrace of caramel and biscuit malt notes, reminiscent of Chef’s legendary chocolate salty balls (FYI – no chocolate is in this beer, just pure malt magic).

But hold on tight, because this brew has a surprise in store – a gentle bitterness akin to one of Kenny’s unexpected demises. And with a dash of nitrogen, it glides over your palate with a smooth, creamy body that’s sure to leave you wanting more.

Hurry and get these quick before they all run out, cos like Butters and A.W.E.S.O.M.-O, it’ll be your best friend in the whole world.

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