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Monthly Special: 15% off Knee Deep, Calicraft and Stone!

Untitled - Paint

Rocky Ridge Brewing Co.

Regular price $12.00

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Hazy IPA | 375ml | ABV 7.5%

We’ve been incredibly fortunate at Rocky Ridge to have our own extremely talented in-house designer, Ethan, creating our labels. (Big shout out to Ethan!)

But what happens when Ethan decides to take a holiday? Well, Hammer resorts to MS Paint and decides to get “creative”… which is why we’ve decided Ethan isn’t allowed to go on holidays anymore.

This Hazy IPA, crafted with a blend of US, Aussie, and Kiwi hops and a good dose of rolled spelt in the mash, has all the hallmarks of a classic – shame about Hammer’s MS Paint skills. To be fair, Ross would have used crayons!

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