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Monthly Special: 15% off Knee Deep, Calicraft and Stone!

Stone Cold Killa

Rocky Ridge Brewing Co.

Regular price $14.50

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Hazy IPA | 500ml | ABV 7.0%

For our latest venture into the BrewHouse of Horrors, Beck and Jenni have taken the helm with a truly experimental spirit. 

They’ve crafted a hazy IPA using spelt, tritordeum, and rice, all brewed with a lager yeast strain. The result is a full-bodied beer with a refreshing, crisp finish. Kiwi hops bring layers of citrus, further enhanced by local yuzu. Embracing the challenge, they’ve also added a dash of terpenes, pushing the boundaries with their Experi-mental IPA, a creation that defies categorisation.

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