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Monthly Special: 15% off Seoul Brewery, Dancing Cider and Heretic!

Glorious Purpose - Maverick Series #16

Rocky Ridge Brewing Co.

Regular price $14.50

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Hefeweizen | 500ml | ABV 5.2%

We’re taking it back to the early days of Australian craft beer with a true OG Hazy.

This brew features a hefty addition of wheat malt for a full-bodied, bready base, and we’ve teamed up with Mogwai Labs to use their OG Haze 3 yeast, brand new to Australia.

Expect notes of banana and clove, elevated by a ferulic acid rest during the mash to really boost those clove aromas.

With careful fermentation for ultimate drinkability, this beer is a perfect companion to a pretzel and a Maß – so sit back, relax, and enjoy a taste of nostalgia.

Pour: Hazy pale gold
Smell: Banana and bubblegum
Taste: Banana bread in beer form
Finish: Medium bodied


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