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Monthly Special: 15% off Seoul Brewery, Dancing Cider and Heretic!

Regular price $14.50

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IPA | 500ml | ABV 7.2%

If only there was some kind of infinite power source we could use every day, right?

Well… thanks to a handy little fusion reactor in the sky, our Jindong brewery has proudly become one of the few 100% off-grid breweries in Australia, and globally. We are a true off-grid brewery, with no mains electrical connection, reducing fossil fuel reliance and CO2 emissions.

Our state-of-the-art solar array generates 280kWh—enough power to run 87 average Aussie homes for a full year, eliminating over 1,000,000 kgs of CO2 emissions annually.

Flame on!

Hops: Riwaka & Simcoe

Pour: Clear golden body with light hop  haze
Smell: Melon and white pepper with citrus and light layers of pine resin and dank
Taste: Citrus and pine lead on the palate before being ably backed up by white pepper and dank waves.  Bitterness is prevalent from mid palate and leaves a mouth coating resin finish
Finish: Lingering bitterness


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