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Monthly Special: 15% off Seoul Brewery, Dancing Cider and Heretic!

Boallia Road Warrior (500ml)

Rocky Ridge Brewing Co.

Regular price $14.50

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IPA | 500ml | ABV 6.5%

I’m a Hop-injected Dankness Machine! I am a Rocker! I am a Ridger! I am The Boallia Road Warrior! 

Returning bigger and better than before! An addition of Caraaroma malt has brought more colour and malt sweetness into the mix. Aussie hops are still the centrepiece, but this time we’ve used a cool whirlpool to lock in more aromatics and brought dank Strata along for the ride! 

Oh, what a day…. what a lovely day!!

Pour: Clear burnished amber body with a white head.
Smell: Tropical fruits and citrus lead along with some spicy herbal notes and light kiwi diesel.
Taste: Biscuit malt sweetness upfront before the hops come roaring in with orange, mango and spice. Retronasal gives diesel and tropical fruit
Finish: Medium bitter linger with some palate coating resin

Gluten-reduced, now available in 500ml cans!

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