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Rochefort 6

Rochefort Brewery

Regular price $8.50

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Dubbel | 330ml | ABV 7.5%

This fine brew, topped off by a red-bottle cap, is only produced for a few weeks every year. It is predominantly served in the abbey’s guest quarters. Of the members of Rochefort trio, this is the mildest and driest variety. The Rochefort 6 certainly has character, but it is less rich and complex than that of its two brothers. A mild and fruity beer, it is slightly herbal, malty and sweet, with a touch of caramel. The quiet bitterness it has only becomes apparent in the finish.

In the nose, hints of mocha and caramel and a yeasty herbalness (cloves, pepper) are rounded off with a slightly sour taste. You can taste biscuit, caramel and pear, beautifully balanced with a slightly roast bitterness and a touch of cloves. In the finish, the pearls flow away and culminate in a rounded dry taste.

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