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Monthly Special: 15% off Seoul Brewery, Dancing Cider and Heretic!

On The Surface

Polly's Brew Co.

Regular price $16.50

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only 3 left in stock

Pale Ale | 440ml | ABV 5.6%

When you’re taking a tour of the West Coast, you’ve gotta take a speed run down the Pacific Highway, baby!

A style that is nostalgic for so many reasons, top of the list for reminding us why we got into brewing beer in the first place; when the sun is beating down and you’re yearning for the refreshment a lager just can’t quench, a West Coast Pale is just the ticket. Clean and crisp, with a pronounced level of biscuit sweetness from the malt bill, but with a moreishness that comes from those heavily utilised hot side hops.

On the Surface is our latest entry into our West Coast canon and this one is a sun-drenched dream, with a surfboard under one arm and a personality so laid back it may as well be horizontal to boot. A straight up single hop Chinook pale ale is the flavour of the day here; prickly pine needles, resinous bitterness, floral notes and citrus fruits are abound in this smasher of a pale.

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