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Monthly Special: 15% off Seoul Brewery, Dancing Cider and Heretic!

Pivovar Zichovec

Pivovar Zichovec

"Our story has been developing for more than 10 years. At the start of our journey, we didn’t even dream of being able to build a successful craft microbrewery in such a short time, whose products would be offered by the best establishments in Prague, around the Czech Republic and abroad.

Today we brew about 60 kinds of beer a year. We might stop being officially a microbrewery pretty soon, yet this does not mean we’d lose our direction: we’ll continue what we’ve been doing – craft with respect and humility, at the same time with a little craziness and a desire to experiment. We know where we started, and what it took to get where we are now, and whom to feel thankful to. We truly appreciate our great and loyal fan base, supporting us on our road to continuous advancement of the Czech beer craft scene."

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