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Pastore Brewing and Blending

Pastore Brewing and Blending

"Pastore Brewing and Blending is a mixed-fermentation sour and wild brewery based in Waterbeach, Cambridgeshire, UK. Pastore (pas-tor-ray) is Shepherd in Italian. It reflects the founders' family. The English side the Shepherds and the Italian side hailing from Emilia-Romagna and evoking fond memories of demijohns of homemade lambrusco and car boots full of meat and cheese.

The fresh series looks at accessible, fun, modern takes on mix-ferm brewing, utilising Kveik and Lactobacillus co-fermentation in fruited Waterbeach Weisses, Sour IPAs and Pastry Sours. The cellar series is built around our house (mother) culture of Brettanomyces and lactic acid bacteria. We blend with different bases to produce an exciting range of aged wild ales, some in stainless steel and some as part of an extensive barrel program and blendery. Many of these beers are blended on fresh fruit in season."

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