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Monthly Special: 15% off Seoul Brewery, Dancing Cider and Heretic!

Regular price $12.50

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Pale Ale | 500ml | ABV 5.0%

Drinking our beer isn’t just about enjoying a beverage; it’s about backing local communities, building meaningful relationships, and supporting our team – our extended family – you. As the Planeteers would say, “the feeling that one person can’t make a difference is the greatest obstacle of all.”

Thanks to so many big hearts, our small, independent, family-owned business has evolved from the humble beginnings of a farm in Jindong to become a thriving, community-focused brewery. Every day, we treat as an opportunity to be the best “us” we can be.

Hops: Eclipse & Nelson Sauvin

Pour: Clear burnished gold to a light amber with very light hop haze
Smell: Pine, citrus and spice on the nose with some Kiwi diesel and melon woven throughout
Taste: Pine, citrus and spice on the nose with some Kiwi diesel and melon woven throughout. Some malt sweetness on mid palate before a cleansing bitterness sweeps through with a light linger
Finish: Crisp and moreish


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