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Monthly Special: 15% off Seoul Brewery, Dancing Cider and Heretic!

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only 4 left in stock

Cream Pastry Stout | 440ml | ABV 10.0%

Alright partner, you wanna talk out there? Imagine a space in time where part of one melds perfectly with another; a marriage that seemed impossible at first with hearts on the line and lactose prevailing at every corner. Can U Dig It? Dubbed as a Cream Pastry Stout and coming from the R&D arm of our pilot program, we’ve taken our chocolate heavy pastry stout base and given it our full Liquid Cream treatment.

Loading in 8 types of specialty malt, cocoa beans and husk, chocolate powder, banana, salted caramel and a double dose of coconut cream. It's all the right kinds of brand new, and we know u dig me.

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