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Monthly Special: 15% off Seoul Brewery, Dancing Cider and Heretic!


Northern Monk

Regular price $13.50

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Hazy IPA | 440ml | ABV 6.0%

A collaboration brew with Coolhead Brew, a micro-brewery from Finland.

For the first release with newest Patron Tula Lotay, we’ve designed an IPA to be as super approachable and smashable as possible and full of summer flavour.  

El Dorado hops bring ripe tangerine with Idaho 7 adding a hit of tropical fruit bowl. These were then backed up with additions on the brew day of Ella and Talus hops which between them add grapefruit, lemon peel and a dash of pepper, with a slight dankness. All contained in a juicy, golden straw and hazy IPA.

Tula Lotay is the pen name of illustrator Lisa Wood. Born and raised in Yorkshire, Tula specialises in comics, film and editorial illustration, as well as being the founder of the world-renowned Thought Bubble Festival. 

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