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Monthly Special: 15% off Seoul Brewery, Dancing Cider and Heretic!

Mountain Culture Beer Co

Mountain Culture Beer Co

"In 2017 DJ and Harriet McCready embarked on transforming the dilapidated building into the first brewpub in the Blue Mountains. After 18 long months of careful renovation, we opened the doors with the goal of welcoming people from near and far to come in and have a beer.

But not just any beer.

Rather, we hold ourselves accountable to a standard that means constantly pushing the limit and pushing ourselves to figure out how we can brew better beer, every batch. Because let’s face it, life is short. We have no time for beers that don’t blow our hair back, and nor should you."
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Please be aware that it is an offense for individuals below 18 to purchase alcoholic beverages in Singapore. Offenders may be fined up to $5,000.


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