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Monthly Special: 15% off Seoul Brewery, Dancing Cider and Heretic!

Dear Dickheads

Rocky Ridge Brewing Co.

Regular price $47.00

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only 1 left in stock

Barrel-aged Lager | 750ml | ABV 9.5%

A collaboration brew with Ronin Fermentation Project.

To Whom It May Concern: ( know who you are), your email from two years ago sits proudly framed in our office, patiently waiting for its opportunity, its time to shine. It may have taken us two years, but we have finally found a beer worthy of your title.

As our right of reply, we have brewed a legendary collab with Ronin Fermentation Project, a beer that underwent a meticulous barrel-fermentation at a cool 4°C with lager yeast. Expect notes of toffee and molasses with a warming finish - unlike your email.

So, here's to you, keyboard warrior. We hope you get your hands on this release, and if not, we are always looking forward to that next inevitable email.

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