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Monthly Special: 15% off Seoul Brewery, Dancing Cider and Heretic!


Garage Beer Co.

Regular price $17.50

Unit price per 

Lager | 440ml | ABV 6.0%

We love this time of the year as it gives us the opportunity to brew our annual Festbier. This year we have gone all out with some of the finest German malts, and hops direct from Seitz Farm in the Hallertau growing region of Germany.

We selected the heirloom German barley variety Barke, in Pilsner and Vienna style malts to lend a decidely more chewy, honey soaked malt character to the beer. The hop choice is singular; Seitz Farm Hallertauer Hersbrucker. This wonderful noble hop provides a slight orange blossom aroma mixed with a herbal depth and a spicy touch.

The beer pours a beautiful light golden colour and goes down incredibly easy as a result of a smooth mouthfeel and a balance between gentle malt sweetness and hop bitterness. 

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