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Monthly Special: 15% off Holy Goat & Knee Deep!

Hunchback Lazy IPA

Playground Brewery

Regular price $13.50

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only -1 left in stock

Session Hazy IPA | 500ml | ABV 4.9%

Hunchback hazy IPA is our low-alcohol session hazy IPA beer but also gives you a well-balanced cloudy appearance and juicy taste of New England style IPA. Session beer is a beer low in alcohol. The origin of the term comes from Britain. In the 19th century, workers had short session breaks and they spent their time at local pubs for refreshments with the beer. During these breaks, they preferred lighter beer because they had to go back to work. So they named "session beer" to lighter one. Hunchback hazy IPA is a beer that anyone could happily enjoy in any time.

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