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Monthly Special: 15% off Seoul Brewery, Dancing Cider and Heretic!

Regular price $12.50

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IPA | 330ml | ABV 6.0%

Bulldog IPA 6.0% has rich notes of citrus , pine and tropical fruits, thanks to the hops used - Cascade, CentennialCitra and Mosaic. The subtle malty character coming from Barley Malt, Wheat Malt and Flaked Oats gives this beer a medium bitter body. The bitterness of 35 IBU adds a perfect balance to the taste experience. 

To fully appreciate Bulldog IPA 6.5%, we recommend serving it at a temperature of 5 degrees Celsius. This will allow the samken to reach its full potential. If you are looking for dish suggestions, try it with slightly spicy dishes, grilled meats or even spicy cheeses. The complex flavours of Bulldog IPA will definitely tickle your taste buds.

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