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Monthly Special: 15% off Seoul Brewery, Dancing Cider and Heretic!

420 Strain G13 IPA

Sweetwater Brewing Company

Regular price $10.00

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IPA | 355ml | ABV 6.0%

This aromatic super-hybrid sticky IPA is first and foremost a phenomenally delicious and drinkable beer, with the added bonus of an olfactory experience that mimics that of the legendary G13 cannabis strain. The IPA base brew has a great body, good head and nice amount of haze at a pleasurable 6% ABV. To work with the malt bill, the brewers added some of their dankest hops, Columbus and Simcoe, plus two dry hop additions.

To achieve the aroma, our brewers found the perfect botanically-sourced, strain specific terpenes and married them with proprietary natural hemp-type flavour, both perfectly complementing the hops in the IPA.

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