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Monthly Special: 15% off Seoul Brewery, Dancing Cider and Heretic!


Garage Beer Co.

Regular price $23.50

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Double IPA | 440ml | ABV 8.5%

A collaboration brew with Tripping Animals Brewing Co. and GROSS.

What started out as a three way collab in Miami between Tripping Animals, Gross and Garage Beer Co has become a travelling mini series of beers. Three hoppy bangers have been brewed in Miami, San Sebastian and finally Barcelona. This rich, velvety DIPA pours a pale milky yellow and is pumped full of Citra, El Dorado and Chinook.

Two blockbuster hops meet a classic hop that is seeing a resurgance in popularity. Citra and El Dorado bring grapefruit, lime and peach with Chinook giving a piney and pineappley background note.

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