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Monthly Special: 15% off Revision, Rocky Ridge and Apex!



"Hej! We are Karl Sjöström and Mikael Nypelius and our lovely crew in Malmö, Sweden.

With Fruktstereo we want to create natural alcoholic beverages without additives, using sustainably grown swedish produce without pesticides. We only use the indigenous yeast in the fruit and we will never manipulate our products in any way we don't see as natural.

We are happy to introduce our latest addition to our line of products: FRUKTROCKET. With FRUKTROCKET we will bridge the gap between cider, beer and wine, by making collaborative co-fermented drinks between Fruktstereo and Rocket Brewing. We brew the wort at Rocket and ferment it in the Fruktstereo winery, adding fruit juice, berries or grapes from our own production or good friends."

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Please be aware that it is an offense for individuals below 18 to purchase alcoholic beverages in Singapore. Offenders may be fined up to $5,000.


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