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Frau Gruber Craft Brewing

Frau Gruber Craft Brewing

"In the winter of 2016, the two Augsburgers, Enzo Frauenschuh and Matthias Gruber, founded FrauGruber Brewing (FRAUenschuh + GRUBER = FrauGruber) and brewed their first beers as Gipsy Brauer (contract brewers) in the spring of 2017 in the Old Factory in Gundelfingen. Within the following 3 years, FrauGruber managed to permanently export her beers to over 20 countries.

It is important to us to have the greatest possible influence on technology and the raw materials used. Regionality is a big issue for us, which is why we have our own Steffi and Marthe brewing barley grown by four farmer friends and then malted by a nearby malt house."

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