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Monthly Special: 15% off Seoul Brewery, Dancing Cider and Heretic!

Sweet Mama

Dancing Cider Co.

Regular price $11.50

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only 1 left in stock

Cider | 330ml | ABV 5.2%

May your first encounter with Dancing Cider taste as sweet as mother’s kindness. A Single Varietal Sweet Cider full of fresh pressed fuji apple juice. It is filled with the unique taste of 'Original Apple Cider' using apple juice rather than sugar. Natural sweet flavour of domestic apples and light sweetness that fills your mouth from the first taste and soft carbonation.

Sweet Mama, with its sweet and refreshing taste, and smooth mouthfeel, is a great drink to enjoy as a light aperitif to liven up the mood before a nice meal. A special way to enjoy Sweet Mama even more deliciously is to pair with spicy dishes like tteokbokki.


  • 2023 Japan Cider Competition - Gold Prize
  • 2022 GLINTCAP Modern Cider Category - Silver Prize
  • 2022 International Cider Competition - Silver Prize
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