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Monthly Special: 15% off Seoul Brewery, Dancing Cider and Heretic!

Shinae Yuja

Dancing Cider Co.

Regular price $12.50

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Cider | 330ml | ABV 5.0%

Shinae Yuja, is the first yuzu cider created with a top culinary researcher. This is a well-balanced medium dry cider that will be your comfort in your tiring daily life.

Picture all kinds of flavours bloom and explode on your tongue - local honey, citron, rosemary aroma, ginger juice and Shinan-gun sea salt, creating a perfect balance in your mouth. Enjoy a journey of taste with the mystery of sweet and salty from start to finish. Recommended to pair with both sweet and salty foods such as crispy potato pancake, salty vongole oil pasta and seasoned fried chicken. This is a powerhouse of pairings across a variety of cuisines, both traditional and modern, Eastern and Western.


  • 2022 GLINTCAP Botanica Cider Category - Bronze Award
  • 2022 International Cider Competition - Bronze Award 
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