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Boneyard Beer

Boneyard Beer

"Most breweries start with a plan. We started with a backstreet.

When Boneyard Beer began in 2010, we didn’t have much. No outside investors or major bank loans. In fact, all we had was a goal: to make great beer. Our founder Tony Lawrence spent decades in the brewing industry before setting up Boneyard Brewery in an old auto repair shop in Bend’s historical district. He collected used equipment and spare parts from 13 different breweries around the country, and built up a boneyard operation. The result—the first batch of Boneyard beer. 

We’ve grown since then and we replaced the initial fermenters with shiny new equipment. But we still use the original 20-barrel system for seasonal and special release beers. What can we say? Some things are better when they’ve been in the boneyard."

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