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Monthly Special: 15% off Seoul Brewery, Dancing Cider and Heretic!

Blasta Brewing Co.

Blasta Brewing Co.

"Our journey began on Christmas 2015 after a gift from the wife in waiting. A true brewing passion was ignited. This was fuelled 8 months later by exploring different cultures and importantly, sampling some of the finest beers out there while on holidays around Europe and Scotland. On return to Australia, a decision was made, a dream locked in, and a unrelenting drive to have our very own brewery, a place called Blasta, Blasta Brewing Company.

The word “Blasta” derives from Scottish Gaelic which translates to delicious in English. We committed from the start that we would only brew delicious beers and would not release a beer unless it conformed to the Blasta standard.

Every brew, every day, we stand by our commitment."
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