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Belgisch Speciaalbier


Regular price $10.00

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Belgian Blond Ale | 330ml | ABV 8.5%

Duvel is a natural beer with a subtle bitterness, a refined aroma and a pronounced hop character. The refermentation in the bottle and a long maturation guarantees a pure style, a delicate effervescence and a pleasant alcohol sweet taste.

After pure spring water, the main ingredient of beer, barley is the most important raw material. Barley must germinate for five days in the malthouse, after which malt remains. The color of the malt and therefore also of the beer is determined by the temperature. Duvel gets its typical bitterness by adding various aromatic Slovenian and Czech hops. We only use exclusive hops that are recognized for their consistent, excellent quality.

Duvel ferments for the first time in vats, at 20 to 26°C. The brewer uses his own culture for this. The original yeast strain, which Albert Moortgat selected himself in the 1920s, comes from Scotland . After maturing in the storage tanks, where the beer is cooled to -2°C, the drink is ready to be bottled. By adding extra sugars and yeast, the beer is refermented again in the bottle. This takes place in the warm cellars (24°C) and takes two weeks.

Afterwards, the beer ends up in cold cellars, where it matures and stabilizes for another six weeks. This extra long maturation period is unique and contributes to the refined taste and pure aroma of Duvel.

Thanks to its surprisingly high alcohol content (8.5%), enormous head, fine bubbles and silky mouthfeel, Duvel clearly distinguishes itself from other Belgian beers.

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