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Monthly Special: 15% off Seoul Brewery, Dancing Cider and Heretic!

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Dubbel | 330ml | ABV 7.0%

Brewed since 1982, Chimay Premiere, now known as Chimay Red, is the oldest of the Chimays. This classic Belgian Trappist beer is a style ale with a huge depth of flavour. It has lots of banana-like aromas, as well as plenty of dark fruit notes from its big, smooth malt base. You can expect fig, dates, raisins and even a little coffee on the palate of this complex and dark ale.

This dubbel is the lightest sibling amongst Chimay's heavyweight trio, and an ideal introduction for those who want to get to know Trappist beers. The ‘red’ does have less of a body than its ‘blue’ brother. But this copper-coloured beer does have a surprising fruitiness, along with touches of curaçao and coriander. The initial taste is sweet, while the dark malt holds in place the finishing touches of burnt chicory and toasted bread. So, as introductions go, the Rouge does a great job, educating the palate to the broader wonders of the Trappist universe.

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