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Monthly Special: 15% off Seoul Brewery, Dancing Cider and Heretic!

Our Stash Of Hash

Behemoth Brewing Company

Regular price $25.50

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Triple IPA | 440ml | ABV 10.0%

Feast your eyes on My Stash of Hash,the boldest brew to ever emerge from the shadows of the hop world. Imagine stumbling upon a burly, back-alley beer connoisseur, Churly himself, whispering secrets of his latest and greatest concoction.

This Triple NZ IPA is not just any TIPA—it's infused with Clayton Hops new Hop Hash, the dankest delight this side of the brewing underworld. My Stash of Hash hits you with a triple threat of New Zealand hops, a punchy, piney paradise that promises to blow your mind, and your taste buds. The hop hash infusion is like a secret handshake, delivering an intense,
resinous ride that's smoother than a greased lightning bolt. So, dive into the depths of this hoppy heaven. Remember, this is Clayton Hops exclusive stash—get it while it lasts!

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