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Monthly Special: 15% off Seoul Brewery, Dancing Cider and Heretic!

Low Hanging Fruit: Blood Orange & Passionfruit Edition

Behemoth Brewing Company

Regular price $10.50

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Sour Ale | 330ml | ABV 2.5%

Who doesn't like to take the low hanging fruit; you know that bit hanging over the fence? Why try harder when you can get something that is easily grasped. 

Ironically making a low alcohol beer taste great isn't actually low hanging fruit at all, it’s quite tricky. So Behemoth decided to throw a lot of oats, wheat and malted barley at this beer to give it as much mouth feel as they could for a 2.5% beer. This time round they have used loads of Passionfruit & Blood Oranges to really make this beer pop in the flavour department and gently soured it to make it uber refreshing and delicious. So grab the low hanging fruit. You know you want to.

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